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Online Talk: What have hedges ever done for us?

A small, existing row of hedges in the middle of Scot's corner.

What have hedges ever done for us?…… And what we can do for them

The humble hedgerow is the unsung hero of the countryside. Below is the link to a FREE online talk, from CPRE Hampshire and Megan Gimber of the Peoples Trust for Endangered Species. It’s your chance to discover just how important they really are!

Perhaps one of the more humble and understated features of our beautiful countryside, the hedgerow actually plays an enormously important role in the health and diversity of our land, our wildlife and even our climate.

Hedgerows are the unsung hero of the countryside. They clean the air we breathe, capture carbon helping to mitigate climate change, and provide vital homes for wildlife and pollinators. They are natures key workers.

Take a look at our online talk from CPRE Hampshire, the countryside charity, and Megan Gimber, of the Peoples Trust for Endangered Species, and discover just how important they really are.

The talk covers:

• The ENORMOUS wildlife value of hedges.

• Why that might be the case given they are a man-made habitat.

• All other values including climate, environmental, farm values, flooding and pollution.

• How are our hedgerows doing? What do we know and what don’t we know?

• How should hedgerows be managed? The lifecycle approach, including laying, rejuvenation and sensible approaches to trimming.

• A bit about the incredible history of our hedges, and what value this can bring.

• What we can do to help hedges and what CPRE Hampshire doing in the New Forest.

Megan Gimber is a self confessed Hedgerow nerd, working for the People’s Trust for Endangered Species specifically on hedgerows and other ‘woodland edge’ habitats such as wood pasture and traditional orchards.

She is passionate about the hedgerow habitat and all of the benefits healthy hedgerows can bring; for wildlife, for farmers and for the environment. A key part of this work has been putting together interactive hedgerow surveys that feed back information about hedge health as well as bespoke management advice.

An advocate of managing hedgerows according to their inherent life cycle, as described by Nigel Adams, she has tied this approach into a free, simple hedge management app called Healthy Hedgerows. This app is designed specifically for farmers and other landowners to assist with bringing their hedgerows back into lifecycle management, ensuring both their health and their future. 

Megan can often be found chatting hedge on Twitter at @FavColour_Green, although her other passions; ancient trees, orchards and proper cider, sometimes also make an appearance.

If you have further questions for Megan or would like to receive their regular hedgerow emails, please email

CPRE Hampshire, the countryside charity is passionate about creating sustainable communities, protecting green spaces and regenerating the environment so that it is rich in nature and helps us respond to the climate emergency.

We believe that by taking a balanced approach to growth and the needs of all of us who live and work in Hampshire, we can ensure the protection of our beautiful Hampshire countryside as well as our future prosperity for generations to come.

Explore our website for more information about us, follow us on social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) and sign-up to our enewsletter for regular news and updates.

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