South Downs and Central District Group

Everything you need to know about your CPRE Hampshire South Downs and Central District Group
South Downs and Central District Group
The group covers the areas of East Hampshire District and Winchester District, including the Hampshire part of the South Downs National Park.

South Downs and Central District Group Chair and CPRE Hampshire Vice-President
Christopher Napier OBE
Christopher can be contacted at
“I joined CPRE as long ago as the 1970s when I realised how beautiful our countryside is, but also how vulnerable. This was my motive for becoming actively involved with CPRE Hampshire when I retired from my legal career in the City in 1999. Little did I realise that this would lead to two stints as Chair of the Branch, chairmanship of our Planning and Policy Group for many years, leader of South Downs and Central Group, and 20 years as President of the Petersfield Society. Also, to nine years on the Board of national CPRE, latterly as Vice Chairman.
But campaigning to protect the countryside has complimented well my love of walking in the countryside and attempts at success on the golf course, and it has made me many friends. A successful campaign, such as achieved designation of the South Downs National Park, makes all the hard work worthwhile.”
Planning Volunteers – could you help?
There are two volunteer planning groups, one covering the Winchester district and the other the East Hampshire district. These operate largely on email and participation is not onerous. Anyone with an interest in planning matters is welcome to join one these Groups.
Part of each District falls within the South Downs National Park. This has a separate planning process covering the whole of the national park, and so important planning matters relating to the national park are referred to both Planning Groups.
For more information, email
Local Plan Status
As at April 2022.
East Hampshire District Council
The East Hampshire Joint Core Strategy with LP Part 2 (Housing and Employment Allocations) is the current adopted Plan for those parts of East Hampshire not within the South Downs National Park.
The emerging replacement Local Plan covers the period from 2017 to 2038. The Regulation 18 consultation was carried out in March-May 2020 with a second large sites consultation carried out subsequently. The Regulation 19 consultation is now expected in Autumn 2022.
Winchester City Council
The Winchester District Joint Core Strategy with LP Part 2 (Development Management and Allocations) is the current adopted Plan for the parts of Winchester District not within the South Downs National Park
The emerging replacement Local Plan covers the period from 2018 to 2039. The Strategic Issues and Priorities consultation was completed in April 2021 and the Regulation 18 consultation is currently underway ( Oct 2024) . CPRE Hampshire are highlighting the need to protect areas of Special Landscape Quality .
Map showing Historic Areas of Special Landscape Quality – Winchester District
South Downs National Park
The South Downs National Park Local Plan is the adopted Local Plan for whole of the National Park.
Please take a look at our Planning Hub for further information and insight into the planning process.
Check our CPRE Hampshire events page for further information.