South Hampshire District Group

Everything you need to know about your CPRE Hampshire South Hampshire District Group
South Hampshire District Group
The group covers planning in the two cities of Portsmouth and Southampton, as well as the urban authorities of Havant, Fareham, Gosport and Eastleigh. It also takes a strategic watch over the activities of PfSH (the Partnership for South Hampshire) and the Solent LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership).
South Hampshire District Group Chair and CPRE Hampshire Vice President:
Caroline Dibden
Caroline can be contacted on
You can also follow Caroline on Twitter @carolinedibden.
Local Plan Status
As at May 2022.
The current plan period is 2016 to 2036.
Eastleigh Borough Council consulted on modifications as suggested by the Inspector in July 2021. This included dropping Options B and C which included a large greenfield site north of Bishopstoke. EBC is currently finalising the purchase of Stoke Park Farm, the land of which comprised a major part of the option B area, and has resolved this land, which is being acquired for nitrate/phosphate mitigation, should become a nature reserve. The Local Plan was adopted in April 2022, and an early review of the Local Plan is intended to start later this year.
The current draft plan period is 2016 to 2037.
The Regulation 19 Local Plan consultation took place in July 2021.
CPRE Hampshire letter to Fareham Borough Council regarding Local Plan 2037 – July 2021.
CPRE appeared in several sessions of the Local Plan examination in March to April 2022. We await the Inspector’s report.
The current draft plan period is 2016 to 2038.
The Local Plan 2038 was published for consultation in September 2021.
The current draft plan period is 2016 to 2037.
CPRE Hampshire letter to Havant Borough Council regarding Local Plan 2037 – December 2020
The examination took place online for strategic policies in July 2021. The Inspectors found issues with the soundness of the submitted version, and Havant Borough Council have now decided to withdraw and review the plan.
The current draft plan period is 2021 to 2038.
Regulation 18 Local Plan 2038 public consultation took place in October 2021.
CPRE Hampshire letter to Portsmouth City Council regarding Local Plan 2038 – October 2021
The current draft plan period is 2016 to 2036.
A call for sites took place in October 2021 and a digital consultation on various matters in March 2022. The next stage will be a Regulation 19 consultation on the Southampton City Vision.
Please take a look at our Planning Hub for further information and insight into the planning process.
There are currently no events planned in this district. Check our CPRE Hampshire events page for countywide or national events.